We offer a variety of groups and classes for adults to participate in as they grow in their faith and in community. Our classes on Sunday mornings are always Biblically driven and include a wide range of topics from verse by verse study, theology, and spiritual growth. For more information on what classes are ongoing please reach out to us at

Life Groups
We also have a vibrant life group ministry during the week in homes throughout our community. For more info on where and how to plug in please reach out to us at
We are so hopeful for the next generation and work hard to cultivate an atmosphere of love and joy for our students in 6th – 12th grade. On Sunday mornings our students meet at 9:30 am for Bible Study and worship in “Big Church” at 11 am. We also have an incredible Wednesday night gathering every week from 6 pm-8:15 pm.

We have an exciting and engaging children’s ministry that is offered at both the 9:30 am and 11am hours. Each hour is different and designed to help our kiddos know and experience God’s love for them as they grow in their own faith and the knowledge of God’s Word. During the school year we also offer a vibrant AWANA Clubs ministry on Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm-8 pm.
We offer a safe and nurturing atmosphere for children birth – pre-K at both hours on Sunday mornings. Our loving team of staff and volunteers look forward every week to caring for the children of Harvest Community Church and helping them begin to encounter God’s great love for them.

We Gather Every Week
Adult Equipping Classes
9:30 am
Community Groups
Throughout the week
9:30 am/Bible Study
11 am/Big Church
Wednesday Nights
6 pm-8:15 pm
9:30 am
11 am
AWANA/6:30 pm
(During School Year)